Travel Tips

Top Ten Travel Tips:

It is a great news that you have found some time from your busy routine and now decided to travel. Well, for traveling it need not always be 100 miles from your home. There could be a very interesting place very near to your house which you have not visited earlier. Here are some tips for you which will make your travel a much more pleasurable experience.

  1. Always  carry a map (hard copy) with you: I know we rely on technology now a days. But 2, 3 pages printout of the same map won’t make your bag heavy.:-)
  2. Carry the type of clothes as per the weather of the place you are visiting. It is advisable to carry an umbrella with you as it could be quiet useful in protecting you from hot sun, rain and can act as a self protection device.
  3. Irrespective of the distance always keep a first-aid box with you while travelling. It must have antiseptic cream, cotton, pain killers, paracetamol, stick bandages
  4. Observe the scenery on the way. Basically sometimes we focus on the target and forget to enjoy the travelling experience till we reach that place. Journey is more enjoyable than the destination is most of the times true.
  5. If you are taking your own vehicle, check the status of your vehicle at least few days in advance to ensure it ship shape and ready to travel.
  6. Always carry a good quality torch, some rope, and for safety reasons do carry a small nail-cutter (it could be multipurpose)
  7. Keep some cash stacked away somewhere in the bags, this is for emergencies only. Being prepared is always better.
  8. Do carry an identity cards for all the members travelling.
  9. Keep a printout of important phone numbers like the police, ambulance, and emergency help contacts. Even though you have a sharp memory, in emergency situations, our memory does play games and having a printout of these numbers really helps.
  10. For your own safety, if you are going to enjoy adventure sports, take all safety precautions, use all the required safety gear and do not attempt any daring feats without proper guidance or professional supervision.